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JoanNe BloGGie!
Simply kawaii.

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Moon Cake Festival

Last Sat went back office to do some submission cuz i was on MC on Fri... After tat meet InGe go Suntec.... Than we go queue for the dougnut... i onli bought 1 cuz wanna try 1st..

Yesterday our office celebrated Moon Cake Festival in the evening... had buffet in the evening and celebrated Sep babies birthday... there were guests and my Gu Gu and Gu Zan and my cousin his family was here too.. Had some fun taking fotos and coaxing boy boy and gurl gurl to let me carry them... Below are some fotos of our Reunion Dinner and my trip with InGe to Suntec... More fotos will be uploaded cuz is wif InGe...

This Boy Boy here is my little nephew...So cute...
Little nephew w/o his shoe
This is my little niece....

Jess and ME

Ingrid and me Does this lite look like Mickey Mouse

My puffy eyes because of eye infection

Posted @ [1:46 AM]

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Went shopping wif Steph... bought afew things... We EAT, SHOP, BUY... Yeh.... Steph.... Nxt time we must go shopping again... So fun...

After work at about 0730... Ingrid and me went to Suntec Fish and Co for our dinner!!! See this pot of seafood!!! WOW!!! DELICIOUS... Eat till our stomach wanna bust already....

Dun tink i am in the toilet...

Nice Pink Lily
Heart Shape tea bag

Posted @ [6:52 PM]

Saturday, September 01, 2007

I am fine le... head nt spinning like it used to for the past 1 week... at least is much better now... Really appreciate the people ard me who show their concern towards me... Tue when i returned to the office, i saw a box of chocolate left on the table when is frm my boss... Wee Seng... cuz the doc said tat i need chocolate tats y he bought a box for me... realli touched.... so surprise... and the chocolate is my fav... Wee Seng left for Shanghai for a conference frm tue to nxt wed.... bt i am still working ok... didnt eat snake...
Bt realli feeling very sad ysterday cuz i didnt go back for Teacher's Day as i haf some stuff to do in the office and i dun wish to take leave... HAIZ...

Posted @ [12:11 AM]

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D.O.B : 13/MarCh/1989
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